Community Engagement
Since 2007 Pasión y Arte has been hosting Juergas in Philadelphia.
Juergas, also known as “fiesta flamenca” are the social heart of Flamenco. They are a kind of flamenco jam session where everyone takes part. There is no difference between audience and performer and everyone is invited to participate in the collective playing, singing, and dancing. The history of the juerga begins in Spain and intertwines with the history of Flamenco and Spain itself. Many juergas started spontaneously. Flamencos (Flamenco dancers) “would be standing around in their favorite tavern having a few drinks, and what could be more natural than to start singing and rapping out a compass on the bar.” According to D.E. Pohren in “The Art of Flamenco”.
It’s improvisational qualities make it a key for opening the door on the essence of flamenco. During particularly inspired moments, participants shout out “Olé!” encouraging each other with rhythmic handclapping called “palmas.” The atmosphere and camaraderie a juerga creates are much like that of a southern American gospel service and a “juerga flamenca” can easily attain the proportions of a religious ritual. At a juerga we leave the pressures of our lives behind dancing, singing, and being with abandon. It truly is a gathering of support, celebrating the artform and each other.
Pasión y Arte is inspired by the Juergas found in Spain, but we celebrate coming together of music, dance and community in our own way. We extend our invitation to the participation of all genres of music, singing, dance, and spoken word. Pasión y Arte’s Artistic Director Elba Hevia y Vaca often gives a short introduction at the beginning of each Juerga on the history of flamenco, its components – cante (deep song), baile (dance), and toque (guitar) – and a mini-lesson so that the people present can become familiar with some of flamenco’s traditions and welcome and grounded in the Juerga. Special guest musicians and dancers – both professional flamencos, students, aficionados, artists from other Latino and non-Latino traditions – are invited to each juerga.
This year Pasión y Arte is hosting our intimate First Friday Juergas in the Overbrook Garage studio. There will be a Juerga the first Friday of every month starting in October. Participation in each Juerga is free. We encourage everyone to bring snacks to share. BYOB.